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Severino Baraldi Art

The Three-Cornered Hat (THREE Pages) (Originals)

The Three-Cornered Hat (THREE Pages) (Originals)

Price:  £300.00

Ref: Baraldi3Corners01 

Coppelia (TWO Pages) (Originals)

Coppelia (TWO Pages) (Originals)

Price:  £200.00

Ref: BaraldiCoppelia01 

Giselle (FOUR Pages) (Originals)

Giselle (FOUR Pages) (Originals)

Price:  £400.00

Ref: BaraldiGiselle01 

The Prince Of The Pagodas (TWO Pages) (Originals)

The Prince Of The Pagodas (TWO Pages) (Originals)

Price:  £200.00

Ref: BaraldiPagodas01 

The Sleeping Beauty (THREE pages) (Originals)

The Sleeping Beauty (THREE pages) (Originals)

Price:  £300.00

Ref: BaraldiSleepingB01 

Black Beauty - The Complete Story (EIGHT boards) (Originals)

Black Beauty - The Complete Story (EIGHT boards) (Originals)

Price:  £800.00

Ref: BaraldiBB09 

The Road to Riches: Ancient Rome (Original)

The Road to Riches: Ancient Rome (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: BaraldiSShipStatueLL 

Across Savage Ice - Robert Peary's Final North Pole Expedition (Original)

Across Savage Ice - Robert Peary's Final North Pole Expedition (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: BaraldiPeary 

Hannibal's Troops (Original)

Hannibal's Troops (Original)

Price:  £560.00

Ref: BaraldiTroops 

The Spanish Civil War (Original)

The Spanish Civil War (Original)

Price:  £940.00

Ref: BaraldiSpanishCWLL 

He Painted a Picture With Words: James Boswell at the Literary Club (Original)

He Painted a Picture With Words: James Boswell at the Literary Club (Original)

Price:  £100.00

Ref: BaraldiBoswellLL 

Shore Party (Original)

Shore Party (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BaraldiLandingLL 

The Temple of Janus in Ancient Rome (Original)

The Temple of Janus in Ancient Rome (Original)

Price:  £170.00

Ref: BaraldiLocked 

The Treasure of Lake Toplitz (Original)

The Treasure of Lake Toplitz (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: BaraldiNaziTreasurLL 

Komodo Dragons (Original)

Komodo Dragons (Original)

Price:  £110.00

Ref: Baraldi2Lizards 

Threat of the Sabine Tribes (Original)

Threat of the Sabine Tribes (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: BaraldiCaesarLL 

The River That Didn't Lead To China (Original)

The River That Didn't Lead To China (Original)

Price:  £620.00

Ref: BaraldiCartierLL 

Early Christians in Rome (Original)

Early Christians in Rome (Original)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BaraldiCatacombs 

The English Civil War (Original)

The English Civil War (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: BaraldiCharlesLL 

Ancient Costumes (Original)

Ancient Costumes (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BaraldiCostumes 

Vasco de Gama in Africa (Original)

Vasco de Gama in Africa (Original)

Price:  £560.00

Ref: BaraldiDaGamaLL 

Theodoric enters Rome (Original)

Theodoric enters Rome (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiForumLL 

Scipio Scales the Walls of Carthago Nova (Original)

Scipio Scales the Walls of Carthago Nova (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiHan5LL 

Hannibal and Scipio Africanus (Original)

Hannibal and Scipio Africanus (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: BaraldiHannibal5LL 

Alpine Adventure (Original)

Alpine Adventure (Original)

Price:  £560.00

Ref: BaraldiHannibal99LL 

Ichthyosaur (Original)

Ichthyosaur (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BaraldiIchthyosaur 

Ferdinand de Magellan in 1520 (Original)

Ferdinand de Magellan in 1520 (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiMag 

Ferdinand Magellan (Original)

Ferdinand Magellan (Original)

Price:  £690.00

Ref: BaraldiMagellanLL 

Death of Maxentius (Original)

Death of Maxentius (Original)

Price:  £490.00

Ref: BaraldiMaxentiusLL 

The Balloon Brothers (Original)

The Balloon Brothers (Original)

Price:  £220.00

Ref: BaraldiMontgolfierLL 

Marco Polo (Original)

Marco Polo (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BaraldiMPoloLL 

Spanish Musketeers (Original)

Spanish Musketeers (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiMusketeers 

Great Fire of Rome (Original)

Great Fire of Rome (Original)

Price:  £500.00

Ref: BaraldiNeroLL 

Francisco Pizarro (Original) (Signed)

Francisco Pizarro (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiPiz 

The Death of Remus: The Foundation of Rome (Original)

The Death of Remus: The Foundation of Rome (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: BaraldiRome1LL 

Ancient Roman Theatre (Original)

Ancient Roman Theatre (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BaraldiRomePlayLL 

Jacques Cartier's second trip up the St Lawrence River (Original)

Jacques Cartier's second trip up the St Lawrence River (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BaraldiSCanoeLL 

Hannibal with Carthage in Flames (Original) (Signed)

Hannibal with Carthage in Flames (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £490.00

Ref: BaraldiSHannibal1LL 

The Siege Of Carthage (Original)

The Siege Of Carthage (Original)

Price:  £620.00

Ref: BaraldiSiegeLL 

The Prophecy of the Pigs (Original)

The Prophecy of the Pigs (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: BaraldiSPigsLL 

Pierre Radisson Returns (Original)

Pierre Radisson Returns (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BaraldiSReturnLL 

The World in their Hands (Original)

The World in their Hands (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BaraldiSRomanPortLL 

Battle at the Birth of the Roman Empire (Original)

Battle at the Birth of the Roman Empire (Original)

Price:  £490.00

Ref: BaraldiSRome1LL 

Portraits Of Ladies On Stamps (Original)

Portraits Of Ladies On Stamps (Original)

Price:  £160.00

Ref: BaraldiStamps2 

Founding of Rome (Original)

Founding of Rome (Original)

Price:  £380.00

Ref: BaraldiVillageLL 

The General who Never Lost a Battle (Original)

The General who Never Lost a Battle (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BaraldiZhukovLL 

Andries Potgieter (Original)

Andries Potgieter (Original)

Price:  £390.00

Ref: BaraldiMatabeleLL 

Artists & Politicos (Originals)

Artists & Politicos (Originals)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BaraldiSArtPol 

Mam'zelle Angot (TWO Pages) (Originals)

Mam'zelle Angot (TWO Pages) (Originals)

Sorry, SOLD

Ref: BaraldiAngot01