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The Book Palace
established 1977

020 8768 0022
(+44 20 8768 0022)


Jesus Blasco Art

How Do You Sleep? (Original) (Signed)

How Do You Sleep? (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £75.00

Ref: BlascoBedding 

Mother Nature's Son (Original) (Signed)

Mother Nature's Son (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £175.00

Ref: BlascoNaturesSon 

Sleeping Princess (Original)

Sleeping Princess (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Giant Art Sale!

Ref: BlascoSpinning 

Fairy at Work (Original)

Fairy at Work (Original)

Price:  £280.00

Ref: BlascoPotFairy 

At Least the King is Happy (Original)

At Least the King is Happy (Original)

Price:  £240.00

Ref: BlascoBanquet 

Grannie Weller The Story-Teller (Original)

Grannie Weller The Story-Teller (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoGrannie 

Fly Away Peter Fly Away Paul (Original) (Signed)

Fly Away Peter Fly Away Paul (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BlascoCounting 

The Magic Cup of Tea (Original) (Signed)

The Magic Cup of Tea (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £100.00

Ref: BlascoMagicTea 

The Little Girl Who Liked Playing Shops (Original) (Signed)

The Little Girl Who Liked Playing Shops (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BlascoShopLL 

The Little Boy Who Shared His Daddy's Supper (Original) (Signed)

The Little Boy Who Shared His Daddy's Supper (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BlascoSupper 

Unconditional (Original) (Signed)

Unconditional (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £110.00

Ref: BlascoTeddyBoy 

Royal Bed and Cot (Original)

Royal Bed and Cot (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoBed 

Decorative Chairs (Original)

Decorative Chairs (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoChairs 

Can the Three Bears Help? (Original)

Can the Three Bears Help? (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: Blasco3Bears 

Four and Twenty Blackbirds (Original)

Four and Twenty Blackbirds (Original)

Price:  £250.00

Ref: Blasco4And20 

An Aesop Fable: The Apple Tree (Original) (Signed)

An Aesop Fable: The Apple Tree (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoAppleTree 

Return of the Lost Sheep (Original) (Signed)

Return of the Lost Sheep (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoBlackRam 

Bubbles (Original) (Signed)

Bubbles (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoBubbles 

Making Sandwiches (Original) (Signed)

Making Sandwiches (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoButties 

Cakes for the Party (Original) (Signed)

Cakes for the Party (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoCakes 

Too Many Cooks (Original)

Too Many Cooks (Original)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BlascoCello 

The Horseshoe and the Cherries (Original) (Signed)

The Horseshoe and the Cherries (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoCherries 

Leopardess and her Cubs (Original)

Leopardess and her Cubs (Original)

Price:  £120.00

Ref: BlascoCubs 

The Empty Jar (Original)

The Empty Jar (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoEmptyJar 

The Little Girl Who Had A Farm (Original) (Signed)

The Little Girl Who Had A Farm (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoFarm 

Picking Flowers (Original)

Picking Flowers (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoFlowers 

Digging for Victory (Original)

Digging for Victory (Original)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoGardening 

An Aesop Fable: Happiness (Original)

An Aesop Fable: Happiness (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoHappiness 

A Street in a Medieval Town (Original)

A Street in a Medieval Town (Original)

Price:  £440.00

Ref: BlascoHorseShop 

Jack In The Green (Original)

Jack In The Green (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoJack 

Looking for Kitty's Tail (Original) (Signed)

Looking for Kitty's Tail (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £90.00

Ref: BlascoKitty 

Mini Ha-Ha 1 (Original)

Mini Ha-Ha 1 (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoMini1 

Mini Ha-Ha 3 (Original)

Mini Ha-Ha 3 (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoMini3 

Neptune's World (Original) (Signed)

Neptune's World (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £340.00

Ref: BlascoNep 

This Little Piggy (Original)

This Little Piggy (Original)

Price:  £190.00

Ref: BlascoPig 

The Mailman (Original) (Signed)

The Mailman (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoPost 

The Toy Shop (Original) (Signed)

The Toy Shop (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: BlascoShop 

Sad King Simon 1 (Original)

Sad King Simon 1 (Original)

Price:  £310.00

Ref: BlascoSKS 

The Honey Pot (Original) (Signed)

The Honey Pot (Original) (Signed)

Price:  £370.00

Ref: BlascoWine